
  • iOS 콘솔 로그 출력(Console log)
    Pentesting/iOS 2019. 2. 14. 17:48

    아이폰 앱(iOS app) 로그 보는법

    → iOS 앱 진단시 디버깅 정보 노출 여부를 확인하는 진단항목이 있다. 이를 확인하기 위해서 Windows 진단 환경에선 iTools 도구를 사용했으나 유료버전이다.

    → 하지만, 아래 방법에선 콘솔 로그를 무료로 캡처 가능하다.


    sdsiosloginfo.exe -d > C:\iOSLogInfo\consolelogs.log

    Found a good article on the web on how to get XCode logs off a device if you do not have a MAC.
    How to capture iOS Console Logs on Windows PC - iOS 11 Compatible
    All credits and rights:Sami Bakhour

    https://www.utest.com/articles/how-to-capture-ios-console-logs-on-windows-pc 74
    This uses a set of stand alone software called iOSLogInfo

    How to download and use iOSLogInfo ?
    1- Download the iOSLogInfo tool from here: https://www.blackberry.com/blackberrytraining/web/KB_Resources/KB36986_iOSLogInfo_4.3.4.zip 196
    2- Use Winrar or winzip to extract the folder into any directory ( e.g. I extracted the folder to my C: Drive )
    3- Make sure that your device is connected through the lightning cable to your PC
    4- Click on start and type “CMD” , right click on the command prompt and make sure to select “Run as Administrator” as shown below

    5- Now on the command prompt, go to the path of iOSLogInfo folder (e.g. in my case it was c:\iOSLogInfo so I had to type cd C:\iosloginfo)
    6- Type the command below to begin with capturing iOS console logs
    sdsiosloginfo.exe -d > c:\iosloginfo\consolelogs.txt

    7- Do the needed action on your iOS device and once you are done go back to the command prompt and type CTRL + C to stop the console logging task.
    8- Now you will notice that there is a new .txt file created inside the iOSLogInfo folder called “consolelogs.txt”

    9- Voilà,  you just have the console logs captured !
    Note that the iOSLogInfo tool is having many commands other than capturing the iOS Console logs, there is for example the command called “sdsioscrashlog” to capture crash logs, “sdsdeviceinfo” to get your device info. etc… (see the screenshot below to see the list of available commands) + I listed all the additional comands available below:

    Additional Commands available:
    Capture console logs:
    sdsiosloginfo.exe -d > C:\iOSLogInfo\consolelogs.log
    Capture Carsh logs:
    sdsioscrashlog.exe -e -k C:\iOSLogInfo\crash_logs
    Pull disk_usage:
    sdsdeviceinfo.exe -q com.apple.disk_usage -x > C:\iOSLogInfo\iOS_Disk_Usage.xml
    Pull Device Stats:
    sdsdeviceinfo.exe -x > C:\iOSLogInfo\iOS_Device_Stats.xml
    Pull iTunes logs:
    sdsioscrashlog.exe -e -k C:\iOSLogInfo

    Source(s): http://support.blackberry.com/kb/articleDetail?articleNumber=000036986 35
    After reading this article, I am sure that many of you are extremely happy by now to find out that there is a tool to perform the capturing of iOS console & crash logs, so please comment below, like my article and follow me for more informative updates in the future.
    I always had the passion to help users, testers and everyone to make their computerized life easier.
    Have fun & Happy testing ! Love & Peace to everyone

    Sami Bakhour

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